



拼音zài yì

1.在意常用意思: 放在心上;留意(多用于否定)。

近义词 留心 , 留意 , 介意 , 在乎 , 介怀 , 在心
反义词 忽视 , 忽略 , 疏忽 , 淡然

例句 1.对于风言风语,他总是嗤之以鼻,毫不在意。


1. 留意;放在心上。

1. 翼翼在意。 《逸周书·小开》
2. 攸之正色谓曰:“当今军粮要急,而卿不以在意,将由与城内婚姻邪?” 《宋书·沈攸之传》
3. 你竭力报冤雠,在意的驱兵众。 元 《小尉迟》第一折
4. 夫人处分付的勾当,你三人自理会,小心在意,早去早回,休教有失。 《水浒传》第十六回
5. 褚愚道:“原来如此。早上寺里吃饭时,相公道身体欠安,我也不十分在意。” 《快心编二集》第八回
6. 当时,我以为妈妈只是一般的叮咛,没有在意。 《一封终于发出的信》 陶斯亮

相关词 毫不在意


“在意” this term is commonly used in Chinese and it generally means to care about, pay attention to, or be concerned with something or someone. For instance, if someone says “他在意他的外表” (Ta zai yi ta de waibian), it translates to “He cares about his appearance” in English .

Moreover, “在意” can also be used to express that someone is sensitive or touchy about a particular topic, and they may get offended or upset if it's brought up. For example, “别在那个话题上再多在意了” (Bie zai na ge huati shang zai duo zai yi le) translates to “Don’t be too sensitive about that topic” in English .

In addition, “在意” could also mean worrying about or being anxious about something, as in “我在意这件事” (Wo zai yi zhi shi), which means “I am worried about this matter” in English .

Overall, “在意” is a versatile term that can be used to convey different shades of meaning, depending on the context.