


拼音jī jù

1.积聚常用意思: 积累;逐渐聚集。

近义词 聚积 , 聚集 , 集聚 , 堆积 , 积攒 , 积累 , 累积 , 积蓄 , 储存 , 积存
反义词 分散 , 散开 , 耗损 , 消耗

例句 1.由于投资获利,他已经积聚了一笔可观的钱财。


1. 积累聚集;蕴积。

1. 〔仲秋之月〕乃命有司,趣民收敛,务畜菜,多积聚。 《礼记·月令》
2. 相搏据而俱兴兮,妄倚俪而时有。遂积聚而合沓兮,相纷薄而慷慨。 汉 《旱云赋》 贾谊
3. 〔张言〕善积聚,劝民力耕,储廥稍集。 《新唐书·李罕之传》
4. 她慢慢移动脚步,向桥下走去,打算把积聚在心头的多年来的苦水尽情地倾吐。 《上海的早晨》第三部三五 周而复

2. 指积累聚集起来的物资或钱财。

1. 为人君不能散积聚,调高下,分并财,君虽强本趣耕,发草立币而无止,民犹若不足也。 《管子·轻重甲》
2. 汉王听其计,使卢绾、刘贾将卒二万人,骑数百,渡白马津入楚地,佐彭越烧楚积聚。 《汉书·高帝纪上》
3. 睢阳不可全,孰若焚积聚,与士卒老弱俱奔而遗以空城,贼虽得之,势必不能守。 宋 《扪虱新话·张巡杀爱妾刘昌斩孤甥》 陈善
4. 而贼以耳目,故益知官军虚实与民积聚少多,乘虚掠多,所入无一当而所噬无不饱。 明 《叙广右战功》 唐顺之
5. 我一时竟忘了几日后不得不付的房金,忘了囊中本来将尽的些微的积聚,便慢慢的走上了闸路的估衣铺去。 《春风沉醉的晚上》三 郁达夫

3. 犹

1. 〔王珣〕颇好积聚,财物布在民间,珣薨,弘悉燔烧券书,一不收责。 《宋书·王弘传》
2. 原兄弟外节俭,而内实积聚,及诛后,籍其财至数万。 《魏书·安原传》

4. 中医指腹内结块的病症。

1. 积者阴气也,其始发有常处,其痛不离其部,上下有所终始,左右有所穷处;聚者阳气也,其始发无根本,上下无所留止,其痛无常处谓之聚,故以是别知积聚也。 《难经·五十五难》
2. 越在我犹心腹有积聚,不发则无伤,动作者有死亡。 汉 《越绝书·请籴内传》 袁康
3. 五积六聚本《难经》,七症八瘕载《千金》。 《医宗金鉴·杂病心法要诀·积聚总括》
4. 凡食过则结积聚,饮过则成痰癖。 晋 《抱朴子·极言》 葛洪
5. 臣近患积聚,医云据病当下,一日而愈;若不下,半月而愈。 宋 《代滕甫论西夏书》 苏轼


The term "积聚" (jī jù), in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), refers to various types of diseases related to lumps or knots in the body. It primarily includes conditions involving blockages or accumulated stagnation, resulting from issues such as choked meridians (i.e., blockage in the flow of life energy) or traumatic injuries. Lumps may be palpable in the abdomen, and are accompanied by symptoms like distended, painful, or uneasy feelings in the belly.

The characters 积 (jī) and 聚 (jù) can each carry distinct meanings independently of TCM. Collectively, they represent something accumulated or gathered into one place. The single characters, 积 and 聚, can convey notions of accumulating wealth, resources, knowledge, and experience, reflecting an abstract concept mostly encountered in modern Chinese discussions .

In certain medical literature, 聚 implies an active and driven life energy, while the source or location of those agglomerations equates to a growth established upon an existing organ structure or in a specific domain of the body. Rooting this energy in warming qualities, it 根本是阳 also means a source of pathology based on a conditions originating from an innate organ or an involving stagnation . For further insights, the prominent investigative work on derived aggregates, such as gathering 五根 Five Roots and 五境 Five Domains contributing to our sensory cognitive channels, is delved into within the context: '“积”姓而 “聚” indicate concepts such as as “relying on” ('材事') or adjoining ("接带') specific organs during developments and growth processes.’ In addition, 神乡第一论 Grid Category Number One explores patterns in the origin-gathering of スキャンダBeaveness and Embodied Will (NORMALSELECTIMG), garnering a wealth that propels the existence cycle to growth and reproduction within our body and expressive culture .

Integrating the broader diagnostic domain of TCM emphasizing '积聚’ encompasses the sinicization of ancient mechanisms adapted for the TCM specific treatment of illness classification by integration of historical importance pertaining to disease biological signs, symptoms, efficacies, and implemented countermeasures . Learning this important concept is improved when gaining a better acquaintance with the distant antecedents of where "积聚" musters from, which shape distinct paths of medical conveyance from the classifying measures outlined in 千秋明集 · Ten thousand Ancient Wisdom Chronicle · 构的各种病 fatal diagnosis on the distinct Stations or Grids phantasms to fever surplus, dry usage disorders and other associated relieving cures . Despite commonly appearing as a all-encompassing expression representing lumps or varied cystic ailments in the abdominal cavity, definite identification of ig属阴 means properties connected to the shortfalls or deficiencies that harm the body depending on particular factors like gynecological disorders due to specific pathologies allowing generation and growth of delirium, leading further discussions about the precise indices ( measurements) of wide arrays of ig整蛊 illness building structures from the integration assessment TCM medical diagnostics implementing history, classifiatory determination, and organizations distinctly from other asymptomatic medical frameworks
