



拼音xù yǎng

1.畜养常用意思: 饲养(牲畜、家禽等)。

近义词 豢养 , 饲养 , 圈养 , 蓄养 , 养蓄

例句 1.他畜养乳牛多年,所以对乳牛的生活习性了如指掌。


1. 指饲养牲口。

1. 务于畜养之理,察于土地之宜,六畜遂,五谷殖,则入多。 《韩非子·难二》
2. 种树畜养,不见其益,有时而大。 《汉书·枚乘传》

2. 抚养;养育。

1. 夫为人父者,必怀慈仁之爱,以畜养其子,抚循饮食,以全其身。 《韩诗外传》卷七
2. 〔皇太子〕年在襁褓……令皇太后得加慈母恩,畜养成就,加元服,然后复子明辟。 《汉书·翟义传》
3. 乳哺畜养,犹如己子。 《法苑珠林》卷六

3. 扶植培养。

1. 今诸大夫有材能者甚少,宜豫畜养可成就者,则士赴难不爱其死。 《汉书·王嘉传》
2. 士卒大小相狎弥久,恋臣畜养之恩,为臣奋一旦之命。 《后汉书·董卓传》
3. 晖曰:“人各为其主” 《资治通鉴·后周世宗显德三年》
4. 巨鹿张角自称“大贤良师”,奉事黄老道,畜养弟子,跪拜首过,符水咒说以疗病。 《后汉书·皇甫嵩传》
5. 德宗怒曰:“卿交通节将,畜养侠刺,位崇台鼎,更欲何求?” 宋 《唐语林·补遗二》 王谠

4. 私养。

1. 开宝五年闰二月戊午,诏曰:末俗窃服冠裳,号为寄褐,杂居宫观者,一切禁断。道士不得畜养妻孥,已有家者,遣出外居止。 宋 《燕翼诒谋录》卷二 王栐
2. 〔僧人〕开张解库,饮酒茹荤,畜养妻妾,与俗无异。 《元典章·礼部六·释道》


畜养指的是对动物的长期照料和管理,包括饲养、繁殖和健康保障等方面的工作。这意味着需要提供适当的 Lebensraum(生活空间)、 Ernährung(饮食)和 Pflege(护理),以确保动物的生长发育和生存。畜养还包括对动物行为和需求的了解,以及采取相应的管理措施。例如,畜牧业中的畜养工作包括提供适当的饮食和饮水、制定牲畜运动的计划以及定期检查牲畜的健康状况等



“Animal husbandry is the science and practice of raising livestock.” [Wikipedia, "Animal husbandry"]

“Animal husbandry involves providing proper living space, nutrition, and care to ensure the growth, development, and survival of animals.” [Encyclopædia Britannica, "Animal husbandry"]

“Good animal husbandry practices involve understanding animal behavior and needs, and implementing appropriate management strategies.” [Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, "Animal welfare"]

“Livestock farming includes providing adequate feed and water, developing exercise plans, and regularly checking the health status of livestock.” [Merck Veterinary Manual, "Livestock production systems"]

“In a broader sense, husbandry also refers to the management and use of natural resources.” [Oxford English Dictionary, "Husbandry"]

“Examples of natural resources that can be managed through husbandry include forests and water resources.” [Cambridge Dictionary, "Husbandry"]

“Sustainable husbandry practices are necessary to ensure the renewability of resources and the protection of the environment.” [United Nations, "Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on Land"]

“Animal husbandry is a long-term and responsible undertaking that requires a deep understanding and respect for the life cycles and ecological systems of animals or natural resources.” [World Organisation for Animal Health, "Terrestrial Animal Health Code"]