1. 搀杂;混杂。
1. 不可道这里却夹杂些阴柔,所以却说纯粹精。
2. 邓九公也夹杂在里头乱嚷。
3. 我要求个别领导人不要急于下结论,不要夹杂任何个人的情绪。
„夹杂“(interspersed)是一个形容词,意味着„安排在一起、交错“。它通常指的是两种或多种事物或物质间的关系,这些事物或物质在空间或时间上的分布 presents an intermingled or interwoven pattern. For instance, when describing a picture with different colors or patterns scattered throughout, one may say „颜色之间夹杂着光线和阴影“ (Colors are interspersed with light and shadow) ①.
Furthermore, this term could also be applied to language or speech, referring to the presence of foreign or unfamiliar words in a text or conversation. In such cases, one may say „这篇文章夹杂着许多技术术语“ (This article is interspersed with numerous technical terms) ②.
The word „夹杂“ emphasizes the intermixture and irregular alternation of various elements ③. When describing an individual with contrasting traits or aspects, one might say „他的个性中夹杂着一些自负和傲慢“ (His personality is interspersed with a certain amount of arrogance and conceit) ④.
In summary, „夹杂“ signifies that two or more elements, concepts, or substances are intermixed in an irregular and scattered pattern, leading to the appearance of variety and incongruity in the context ⑤.