

zhòng shì


拼音zhòng shì

1.重视常用意思: 当作重要的人或事对待;看重。

近义词 尊重 , 正视 , 珍视 , 看重 , 注意 , 着重 , 讲究 , 注重 , 器重 , 侧重 , 偏重 , 珍重
反义词 漠视 , 蔑视 , 忽视 , 轻视 , 小看 , 鄙视 , 鄙薄

例句 1.每个人都应该重视自己的身体健康。


1. 认为重要而认真对待。

1. 在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。 《一切反动派都是纸老虎》 毛泽东
2. 郭祥一向很重视军事民主,见他说得有理,立即采纳。 《东方》第三部第七章 魏巍


“重视”这个词通常用来表达对某事物的重要性的关注和重要意义的认识。它来自于“视”的意思是“看”,“重”则是“很”或“十分”的意思,因此“重视”可以理解为“十分看重”或“给予很高的重视”。在使用时,“重视” Often used to express concern and recognition of the importance of something. It comes from “see” meaning “see”, and “heavy” means “very” or “extremely”, so “重视” can be understood as “very concerned” or “give high importance”. When used, “重视” is often used to express emphasis on the importance of things and behaviors, emphasizing the need to attach great importance to them.

In addition, “重视” is also often used in official and formal contexts, such as government documents, business negotiations, and academic exchanges, to express serious attention and treatment of specific issues or matters. It is worth noting that in some cases, “重视” may also contain a sense of urgency, indicating that the issue or matter needs to be dealt with in a timely manner.

In short, “重视” is a word that expresses attention and importance to things and behaviors. It is often used in formal and official contexts, and sometimes contains a sense of urgency.