

jīng yíng


拼音jīng yíng

1.晶莹常用意思: 光亮而透明。

近义词 透明 , 晶亮 , 清莹 , 剔透
反义词 浑浊 , 污浊 , 混浊

例句 1.圆溜溜的樱桃挂满枝头,像无数个晶莹闪烁的红玛瑙。


1. 光亮而透明。

1. 是夕,旬有八日也。斜月晶莹,幽辉半床。 唐 《莺莺传》 元稹
2. 其一西行,两壁石液凝冱,玉雪晶莹。 宋 《桂海虞衡志·志岩洞》 范成大
3. 贾琏打开一看,可不是那一块晶莹美玉吗? 《红楼梦》第九五回
4. 我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍、黑布马褂的背影。 《背影》 朱自清

相关词 晶莹剔透 晶莹夺目


“Jingying” (晶莹)是一个 Chinese word that can be translated to mean “crystalline brightness” or “sparkling brilliance” in English. This term is often used to describe something that is shining, clear, and bright, like a crystal or a diamond.

The word is composed of two Chinese characters: “jing” (晶) and “ying” (莹). “Jing” means "crystal" and “ying” means “brightness” or “luster.”

In addition, “jingying” is also used to represent a name, especially of girls. It implies auspiciousness and hopes for a bright future with a shining personality. This name is not commonly chosen in recent years, and it is not among the top 10,000 names currently.

Nevertheless, the word does not have a specific mention in the context of classical Chinese literature or poetry and is not commonly included in the list of positive adjectives used for describing people or objects' appearance.

In conclusion, “tianjing tianshi, renjing renshi” means "the sky is crystal clear, and the ground is bright and shining"; it is a phrase for describing a beautiful day rather than a specific term associated with the word “Jingying.” The word “Jingying” is a Chinese expression that means crystalline brightness or sparkling brilliance, often found in the context of referring to a shining and shining object or a name’s meaning.