

diǎn zhuì


拼音diǎn zhuì

1.点缀常用意思: 衬托或装饰。

近义词 粉饰 , 装饰 , 修饰 , 装点 , 缀饰

例句 1.此地有茂林修竹,绿水环流,还有几座土山点缀其间。

2.点缀常用意思: 装饰门面;应景儿;凑数儿。

近义词 装饰 , 装点 , 缀饰

例句 1.你这种做法不切实际,纯属点缀。


1. 加以衬托或装饰,使原有事物更加美好。

1. 司马太傅斋中夜坐,于时天月明净,都无纤翳,太傅叹以为佳。谢景重在坐,答曰:“意谓乃不如微云点缀。” 南朝 宋 《世说新语·言语》 刘义庆
2. 雪里已知春信至,寒梅点缀琼枝腻。 宋 《渔家傲》词 李清照
3. 三五株晚熟的高粱,摇曳着火红的穗子,点缀着平原的秋色。 《东方》第一部第十一章 魏巍

2. 绘画的布局和着色。

1. 若能沾湿绢素,点缀轻粉,纵口吹之,谓之吹云。 唐 《历代名画记·论画体工用拓写》 张彦远
2. 目光炯炯狞而驯,点缀毫末俱逼真。 宋 《题范道士二牛图》诗 范成大
3. 右赵孟俯画一卷,泉石蹊径,花鸟云霞,历历然点缀诚工妙矣。 清 《跋赵孟𫖯画》 戴名世

3. 应景;凑数。

1. 市卖食物,乾鲜俱备,而以元宵为大宗,亦所以点缀节景耳。 清 《燕京岁时记·灯节》 富察敦崇
2. 唐淑贞对于夜饭,和对于早饭一样,只算是到时候的一种点缀,不吃也可以。 《天魔舞》第十四章 李劼人

4. 打点。

1. 就是本道、本府,也得十分尽情,无论家丁、厨子、亲兵、小队,都要点缀。 《糊涂世界》卷十
2. 同时再拿一百元或五六十元到会计主任、庶务处长几位家中去点缀点缀。 《预谋》九 尚钺


"Dotting" (点缀) in English generally refers to the act of adding ornamental details or accents to something. It can also refer to the small dots or marks that are used for decoration.

This term is often used in the context of art and design, where dotting can be used as a technique to create patterns or textures. For example, in pointillism, a painting technique where small dots of color are applied to create an image, the use of dotting is central to the style.

In addition, "dotting" can also refer to the act of adding small dots to a surface, often as a form of decoration or customization. For instance, in nail art, "dotting tools" are used to add small dots of nail polish to a nail design.

Overall, the meaning of "dotting" is to add decorative or ornamental details to something, typically in the form of small dots or marks.