1. 诫令;命令。
1. 初,玄成兄弘为太常丞,职奉宗庙,典诸陵邑,烦剧多罪过。父贤以弘当为嗣,故敕令自免。
2. 今旦闻下太尉王公敕令自实,未审其事深浅何如。
3. 衮疾困,敕令官属曰:“吾寡德忝宠,大命将尽。吾既好俭,而圣朝著终诰之制,为天下法。吾气绝之日,自殡及葬,务奉诏书。”
2. 皇帝的诏令、诏书。
1. 章敦等进《新修敕令式》。敦读于帝前,其间有元丰所无而用元佑敕令修立者,帝曰:“元佑亦有可取乎?”
敕令( Imperial Decree / Edict)是皇帝下发的一种命令,通常用于宣布重大政策、 decide important state affairs or confer honors ① ②。敕令在中国历史上具有高 niveau of authority and binding force ③。
Translation: An Imperial Decree, also known as an Edict, refers to a command issued by the Emperor, typically used to announce major policies, decide important state affairs or confer honors ① ②. In Chinese history, an Imperial Decree holds a high level of authority and binding force ③.