

fèn jìn


拼音fèn jìn

1.奋进常用意思: 奋勇前进。

近义词 振奋 , 奋发 , 奋勉
反义词 萎靡 , 消沉 , 堕落

例句 1.他在困境中依旧奋进,从不轻易言弃。
2.他那些话语,句句真挚有力, 催人奋进。


1. 振奋向前;奋勇前进。

1. 翳轻躯而奋进兮,跪侧足以自闲。 三国 魏 《蝉赋》 曹植


奋进(fèn jìn)主要是指振奋向前、奋勇前 progressing vigorously and determinedly。这个概念包含着向着上进、不断完善和超越个人极限的精神与态度、以及高起 spirits of ambition. This term often implies a spirit of ambition and a determination to continously improve and surpass ones personal bounds.,]

You may often hear this term while setting a clear goal and dedicating effort to achieve it. It is also utilized in the saying "砥砺奋进" which literally points to making an effort and progressing via a challenging process.,],]

Notably, "fèn jìn" indicates a high degree of enthusiasm and motivation behind the progress rather than the progresssion per se.

In summarize, plodding 奋进 reveals a spirit and posture of continuous augmentation and advancing.