

rén ài


拼音rén ài

1.仁爱常用意思: 同情、爱护和帮助人的思想感情。

近义词 和善 , 和蔼 , 慈善 , 仁慈 , 慈爱 , 慈和 , 仁义
反义词 凶狠 , 暴虐 , 狠毒 , 残酷 , 冷酷

例句 1.她心里充满了仁爱之情,因此常常帮助街边的流浪小动物。


1. 宽仁慈爱;亲爱。

1. 尧立孝慈仁爱,使民如子弟。 《淮南子·修务训》
2. 仁爱士卒,士卒皆争为死。 《史记·袁盎列传》
3. 我西王母使者,使蓬莱,不慎为鸱枭所搏。君仁爱见拯,实感盛德。 晋 《搜神记》卷二十 干宝
4. 盖虽天心仁爱,欲以助陛下宵旰之忧,而隆嘉靖之治,意者民之危苦无聊,所以感伤和气者,亦容有之乎! 明 《廷试策》 唐顺之
5. 对于这种寄生虫的攻击,暴露,讥刺……只嫌太温和了,太仁爱了。 《乱弹·红萝卜》 瞿秋白


"仁爱"(rén ài)是中国思想中的一项 Central to Chinese thought is the concept of "仁爱" (rén ài), which refers to a benevolent and affectionate attitude towards all people, which includes feelings such as kindness, humanity, philanthropy, and charity. This concept had already existed in Chinese philosophy prior to Confucius , and was developed as the starting point of moral feelings focused on loving one's relatives before extending these feelings to others in society. In the "修务训" (xiūwùxùn) section of the "淮南子" (Huáinánzĭ), "仁爱" (rén ài) specifically refers to a feeling of broad and inclusive benevolence and affection that extends to all people. In dictionaries, "仁爱" (rén ài) is defined as a feeling of empathy, protection, and help towards people, and this feeling is constructed as the combination of the words "仁" (rín, meaning love) and "爱" (ài, meaning love or affection) . In Confucian texts, "仁爱" (rén ài) is the starting point of morality and the subject of the philosophy of human relationships. Although "仁爱" (rén ài) is fundamentally about love, it is different from "博爱" (bō ài) in Western philosophy which advocates for equal treatment towards all people, recognizing their independent self-worth and promoting mutual respect. Instead, "仁爱" (rén ài) in Chinese thought is a differential form of love that accounts for closeness and distance of various relationships . However, it is important not to mistake "仁爱" (rén ài) for "奸情" (jiānqíng, meaning flattering someone with false kindness), such as when one only treats those deemed "superior" nicely for personal gain .

In summary, "仁爱" (rén ài) is a central concept in Chinese philosophy representing a benevolent and affectionate attitude towards all people, which is developed out of a starting point of love and protection for one's immediate family members and then expanded to larger society. This concept differs from Western "博爱" which advocates for equal treatment, emphasizing instead the importance of relational closeness in expression of love.