

kāng jiàn


拼音kāng jiàn

1.康健常用意思: (人)生理机能和心理状态正常,没有缺陷和疾病,能适应正常的工作、学习。

近义词 健壮 , 强健 , 壮健 , 健康
反义词 衰弱 , 虚弱 , 瘦弱 , 羸弱 , 孱弱 , 病弱

例句 1.外公虽然已届九十高龄,但身子骨仍然康健。


1. 犹

1. 然自此宿病尽除,顿觉康健,无复昔之羸瘵。 宋 《梦溪笔谈·杂志一》 沈括
2. 抛难远,相逢且喜仍康健。 明 《燕子笺·双逅》 阮大铖
3. 相别十几年,你老人家越发康健了。 《儒林外史》第九回
4. 他是一个身体康健的人,什么都能消化,能够化腐朽为神奇的。 《鲁迅评传》二四 曹聚仁


康健是指身体健康和心理健康的完整状况。这个词 souvent 用来评价一个人的整体健康状况 。 Kongjian shi yi zi de zhonghe zhuangkuang, zhi si ti de jiankang he xinli de jiankang de wancheng zhuangkuang. Zhe ge ci zi sometimes yong zai pingjia yi ge ren de zhengchang jiankang zhuangkuang. (Healthiness refers to the complete state of both physical and mental health. This word is often used to evaluate a person's overall health condition.)

It's worth noting that 康健 not only refers to the absence of illness or disease, but also includes maintaining a balanced lifestyle and regular exercise . Kongjian bu zhi xu yao wu bing huo jibing, ye bao li yu wei ti zhi tiaojie he zhongyang de shenghuo shuiping. (Healthiness not only refers to the absence of illness or disease, but also includes maintaining a balanced lifestyle and regular exercise.)

Additionally, 康健 can also be used to describe the overall health of a population or community . Kongjian ke yi yong zai ming renqun de zonghe jiankang zhuangkuang shang. (Healthiness can also be used to describe the overall health of a population or community.)

In summary, 康健 is a term used to describe the complete state of physical and mental health, encompassing a balanced lifestyle, regular exercise, and the absence of illness or disease [citation:1,2,3]. Kongjian shi yi zi de zhonghe zhuangkuang, zhi si ti de jiankang he xinli de jiankang de wancheng zhuangkuang, bao li yu wei ti zhi tiaojie he zhongyang de shenghuo shuiping, he wu bing huo jibing. (Healthiness is a term used to describe the complete state of physical and mental health, encompassing a balanced lifestyle, regular exercise, and the absence of illness or disease.)

Reference(s): https://www.zdic.net/hans/%E5%BA%B7%E5%81%A5 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%BA%B7%E5%81%A5/8226154 https://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFD2018&filename=JZLY201801006&v=MjI1NzU0MTQwMjU5MzU*&uid=WEEvREcwRWlDQ1FHQ0d3R0k=&json=true