

huāng zhāng


拼音huāng zhāng

1.慌张常用意思: 不沉着;动作忙乱失措。

近义词 慌乱 , 惊慌 , 慌忙 , 紧张 , 惊惶 , 恐慌 , 发慌 , 着急 , 张皇 , 张惶
反义词 镇静 , 冷静 , 沉着 , 镇定 , 从容 , 安详

例句 1.我们遇到困难时千万不能慌张,一定要沉着冷静。


1. 恐惧紧张。心里不沉着,动作忙乱。

1. 他每都急急言情状,语句意慌张。 元 《伊尹耕莘》第一折 郑光祖
2. 王定见老鸨留茶,心下慌张,说:“三叔可回去罢!” 《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》
3. 你快将葫芦酒拿到庵里去,脸上万不可做出慌张之像。 《儒林外史》第三九回
4. 我们时刻不要把事情估量得太简单,碰见大的困难才不会慌张。 《铜墙铁壁》第四章 柳青

相关词 慌慌张张 慌里慌张


The term "慌张 (huāng zhāng)" generally refers to a state of tension, unease, or rushed behavior, characterized by anxiety and a lack of composure, according to the definitions provided in , , , . It depicts an individual who is displaying frenetic mannerisms, acting hurriedly as if caught off guard or puzzled, as stated in .

In some spoken dialects, "慌慌张张 (huāng huāng zhāng zhāng)" is alternatively used to convey a similar agitated and disorderly demeanor without a direct reference to a panic-stricken emotional mindset, as described in .

However, it is crucial to distinguish "慌张" from physically cold or shivering symptomology, as they elicit distinct meanings. For more information about the medical implications leading to cold sensations, seek contexts such as .

Unlike "慌张," the idiom “慌失失(huāng shī shī)” indicates a loss of control regarding one's actions and emotions but is more frequently used in the Mandarin language, as detailed by .

Employing "慌张" in a sentence might analogously appear as: "她显得很慌张 (tā xǐ de hěn huāng zhāng), 给法官的问话,就像没有准确回答他的问题, 使证词问询变得凝滞不起来" (She seemed somewhat flustered when answering the court officer, almost as if avoiding answering his questions, causing the official inquiry to stagnate ). Ultimately, the term "慌张" signifies flustered, anxious, or tumultuous behavior.